School Sponsored

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Two-Day Training and In-service (School Sponsored)

All two-day training sessions (15 hours) offer one graduate credit. Credit is provided through Minot State University, Minot, ND. The cost of credit for the past several years has been $50. If a school prefers to use another source of credit or in-service training hours, they may arrange that through their source. VoWac will be more than willing to provide any necessary documentation needed (syllabus, vita, etc.) to assist the effort.

Fees for a two-day workshop are $1,800 plus all applicable expenses.Host schools may offset some of the fees by inviting teachers from surrounding area schools to attend.To help defer some of the original workshop fees, VoWac recommends charging schools $150 per teacher to attend.This is a savings for everyone!

This workshop is sponsored by the school district.It will be tailored to specifically meet your needs.The overall content will not change but what ever needs to be added or modified to the in-service will be done to meet the needs of the sponsoring school.Teachers will have more than ample time to visit and share ideas and teaching strategies.Each participant will receive a copy of Handbook of Teaching Tips and Growing Up Learning.To become familiar with a VoWac lesson, they will collaborate in the planning and teaching of one.Numerous classroom management strategies will be discussed, along with sharing some best-teaching practices.Teachers should plan on bringing their teaching materials to the training.

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