Level K gives your kindergartner the necessary basic skills
VōWac® phonics skills begin in kindergarten with our K-Wac program. K-Wac was designed to assist in teaching children letters of the alphabet, their sounds, and how sounds form words. Each K-Wac lesson contains hands-on activities, treasure hunts, songs, games, and writing activities that take youngsters through a fun-filled school year. K-Wac’s scope and sequence can be used as is or can easily be reorganized to meet the scope and sequence of your existing reading program.
Phonics skills for Levels 1 through 4
Providing effective instruction and strategies in word pronunciation is essential to a successful language arts programs. VōWac® phonics uses the Orton-Gillingham approach (1/3 visual, 1/3 auditory, 1/3 kinesthetic) to teach the necessary skills enabling children to unlock the English language. It is this balanced approach along with discovery and developmental thinking skills that provide an effective method for teaching students life-long decoding skills.
VōWac® uses direct instruction with structured, step-by-step methods to help students secure word attack skills that will carry them through reading development stages long after the vocabulary becomes too complex to pronounce by memory. VōWac® provides a reliable method to help students produce quality written work that often requires spelling of unfamiliar words.

CLOVER is the key!
CLOVER is an acronym representing the six vowel patterns taught in VōWac® to decode unfamiliar words. The labeling used in CLOVER is shown in parenthesis.
C = closed syllable as in “cat” (C)
L = consonant -le syllable as in “ta/ble” (L)
O = open syllable as in “we” (O)
V = vowel team syllable as in “read” (V)
E = vowel-consonant-e syllable as in “cake” (V_E)
R = r-controlled syllable as in “barn” and “bird” (R)
There are three basic objectives for labeling. First, the sound that the vowel or vowel team makes is often determined by the type of syllable in which it is located (open, closed, V_E, etc.). Quick recognition of syllable types assists the reader in choosing the correct sound for the vowel pattern used. Finally, spelling is aided by automatic realization of the syllable to be spelled being open, closed, V_E, etc.