About Us
VōWac® Publishing Company is committed to YOU!!
VōWac® Publishing Company, established in 1983, started out as a class assignment. Mary Gomer, creator of VōWac®, was assigned the task of creating lessons to teach nonreaders how to read. Her work was so meticulous and organized that her instructor informed her she had a viable program that other teachers could easily use. In a nutshell, that is how VōWac® came to be.
Located in the sleepy little town of Faulkton, South Dakota (pop. approx. 750), VōWac® offers word attack and spelling skills targeted at Pre-K through grade four. Support is also available to VōWac® users. Throughout the year, particularly in the summer, one and two-day training workshops are available. Two-day workshops offer one graduate credit. Check the workshops link to stay up-to-date. Schools currently purchasing and using VōWac® materials also have a training DVD available. The DVD is free to use with the exception of return shipping.
If you have any questions about your account or need an explanation about how to use a product, information about our pilot program, pretty much anything, we are only a telephone call away.
John Pfeifer, President, completed the purchase of the entire company in 2013. Since 1997, when John joined VōWac® Publishing Company, he has been committed to maintaining the basic principles of 33 years; Empowering Children through Literacy.
As a former teacher and principal for 20 years, John has a keen understanding of what a successful and effective curriculum should look like. His background in Title I, Special Education, curriculum development has proved to be invaluable in creating specific and unique resources for teachers.
Many see John as the face and voice behind VōWac®. Although that maybe true to a point, VōWac® through many of its supporters have become the true voice of VōWac® in schools across the United States and countries abroad. So many teachers and parents have been successfully teaching young and old to read using VoWac. The Orton-Gillingham approach used in VōWac® lessons has proven to be one of the most effective methods used to master the English language.
"Also behind the scenes at VōWac® is Roberta Seidschlaw. Roberta will usually be your "go to" person regarding your account. Roberta answers the phones and responds to most of the emails that come in. In addition to the office staff, each year VōWac® is able to recruit teachers and administrators from various parts of the country to help provide training and in-service. It is because of these wonderful people VōWac® continues to grow and be part of an important piece the education process to thousands of children.
No matter when you contact us, rest assured, one of us will personally address your concern.
VōWac® has been getting kids “academically dressed for success” since 1983…. it’s what we do!
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Jess Hansen Joins VoWac Team!
One of the new voices you'll hear when you contact our office is Jess Hansen. Jess is originally from Faulkton, SD, our home site.
He will be in charge of accounts receivable order processing/fulfillment, and customer support.
If you have a question about an invoice or need help tracking an order, Jess will be your "Johnny-on-the-spot".
Jess has a wonderful sense of humor. We're confident you'll enjoy a quick visit with him when you call.