Grad Credit Instructions

Apply for Grad Credit:

Once the registration page opens, please ignore the Home/Register/Log In/My Cart section at the top of the page

Click on MiSU Professional Development Workshops.

Click on the Fall 2020 link.

Click on the VoWac Workshop I link.

On the next page, click on Add to Cart.

When the next page appears, check your “order” and click on Checkout.

The Delivery Address page will then open. Be sure that every item marked with an * is filled in (use n/a if necessary) and click on the Continue Unregistered button.

On the next page, Payment Methods, please complete the required sections. Near the bottom of the page there is a section for the billing address. If your delivery and billing addresses are the same, check the “Use current delivery address as billing address.” If your billing address is different, you will need to complete that section. When you have completed all of the sections, click on the Use This Payment Method button.

Please review the information below, and then click the “Submit Your Order” button. (located near the top of the screen)

The final screen is the one you can print out for your records.

You will also receive a confirmation email with your “order number” and details.

Grad Credit Application

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